Playing around. ♡

Doors opened but it seems as if they lead to nothing. Portals are in every where I turn. Trying to ride the clouds like I am above storm. I have only me; mind (mostly cluttered & voices), body (tired&sick), soul (need of mediation), inner child (comforting), defense (hyper-aware), offence (planning/action), junkie (need of a vacation), & surely I have more stored away. ☆I just can’t think now due to the voices nagging their daunting actions and words.
Which ever way you see me, it’s okay. I have many angles. Sometimes we don’t see the true nature of another… intentions are misunderstood or an attitude is in need of adjustment. Communication would be the correct thing to do but nowadays it’s too hard to trust the words of others. Use your feels & watch the body language and you’ll get your own answer.
Coloring cloud guys on a Rhino!
Mixed up like my drinks use to be. The talking in my head demands so much. Ripping me from every edge. The skin is tough but it still is showing my insides. Bleeding out but completely fine. One of my beings is racing the destruction by hot glue, duct tape, safety pens, paint, my boogers, my spit, drugs, wires, and more.
” Scribble, scribble, scribble.”
Bound to the wall. Banished to never to see the light day.
Atmosphere Amos from the coloring page. He needed to be more in the limelight rather than hidden in some pages.
Scratching with my pen.
Hotel California lyrics that I’m going to Modge Podge onto the canvas.

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