My father’s workshop has so many lil’ wonders for potential crafts.
OVER the top, more than required, extraordinary. Over zealous. More than necessary.
Pushed to be the thing I was originally supposed to be. Clownin’ around with hurting others to make the red smile up on my mouth. Hand out my Jokers Wild like business cards.
Sadly, my while pretending to die -over exaggerating boredom, pain, etc. & playing guns with kiddos or something in that manner.) MY TONGUE AUTOMATICALLY GOES TO THE WRONG SIDE… (🖊A note to myself: gravity is a thing.)
What a beaut! A vulture with such pretty markings, a scavenger that may seem like they are nasty but it’s a natural way for animals, of sorts, to recycle for good ol’ Mother Earth.
I am now going to call my chaos spirals -Whirligigs. 👉It’s better to describe it’s not so stable or seemingly like a cheap thrown together fair ride. Cheap thrills and adrenaline spikes because it look rickety & shit.

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