All I can hear is the fucking rebuttle of a toxic and horrible thing named Danielle. She is really in there for the last few weeks. I cut her off so I could grow. The devilment is outrageously insane and foul as fuck towards me and all my beings. Repressing the harsh feelings I have to just flip it and explain it foe what it is. I am tired and screwed out of each and everything I am trying to attach to myself.

I feel her fucking touch me and rape me over and over again. I hate this and I hate her. Not many I actually hate but her I do. I pray for shit to be seen and understood but it’s missing from her… and quite frankly everyone I once have had in my life. Pathetic feelings as I reflect on my past and now current situations. Nothing can be done though. Voices won’t diminish for anything. Rocking me with tactics that tear me down and make me give up on my hopes, dreams, purpose, faith in humans or trusting them, at least. How do I do this and live a “normal” life when I am terrified of the public. How do I completely stay on track with all the constant bullshit buzzers of noise that resides in my fucking skull. Sick of all this belittling being done right after I am on track with myself. I build and they demolish it all faster than I can create a pretty thing for me.

How can this be when I am doing everything in it desired choices of ways. I flip and turn over and try and try again. Just smashed down directly into a hole from Hell.

Hell isn’t below anymore… it’s leaked up… must of ran outta space down there, because it’s on this world’s surface now. The dark has taken over and it’s not clear to see how I am to navigate through this.

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