Watch “Spirit Mysteries Evolved because I Broke Down” on the YouTube

Listened to this in the background of me writing and researching my deeper selves. Adoring and Basking in the simple auras of my item’s and people I cherish or want/need in the vibrations of my being. The connection QUILT of life -covers us in our dire moments, when we are barely surviving our simplest of walk ways it comfortably supports us. If only my threads held together the cloth pieces of my desired ones. I have to make due with myself and make energies I am needing from different sources. For example I have labeled two of my gifted throws as the warmth of a caressing holding hug around my mind -to ease it, body -to relax completely, soul -to drift into my subconscience to further understand, get answers of what I am needing or wanting, choose future destinations, choose who is truly connected and gets to be in your life, work out the way of explainations in its chronological order & easiest route of doing so in such manner & among countless meditative/dreamy-time symbolism and signs from your other selves within you -or- guidance from ancestors/ angels/ spirit animals/ other spirits…etc.

The Inner Child will simplify the processes of many things. She shows off her own beauties, full of creativity and is destined for greatness in her ways -due to her spongy-like brain and ability to retain tons of information, if practiced.

My writings are ardently based. Perfervid in my directional ways from the deepenes soul or wildly free spirit within one’s self. Passionate with hints of twisted, turned, complex layouts of **Umphhh… that’s the push of eagerness that’ll present itself in my written reinterpretations of my Tarot readings, seen signs, and suggestions of opinions/choices I could make or won’t make.

My lil’ designed logo for my work in progress/ workbook/ project, if you will… It stands for, “Word of the Day“. Shouldn’t be too abstract for others to understand and connect its symbolic elements in it’s picture to its definition! Hopefully so, I’d say!

Ardent – expressing or characterized by warmth of feeling; passionate

Perfervid – extremely or extravagantly eager; impassioned; zealous

AGENCY – 1. The condition of being in action; operation. 2. The means or mode of acting; instrumentality.

“Six feet deep is the incision.

In my heart, that barless prison”

…so fitting…
Abstract Selfie captured my mischievous smirk upon my face… A smile of sorts placed between my puffed up cheeks of fulsome holly-jolly joyness… blissfully rosey tones on them, just like Saint Nick -when he is all about the work.
Expression in graphics, stickers, quotes, with depictions of one’s self within, it really took hours to organize this compuerized art work however I felt it needed to look like… time unfolded into the wind, as it blew me away, passing through -a jet stream, current it its strongest –as if it’s a winding, wandering storm as it suddenly is lashing out! Bursting out to naturally calm itself down again to normal flow.
Mind, body, soul =/= consciousness, awareness, agency

“Damn, Mother-Nature -You scary!!!”

Quote from my most favorite comedy movie. #JamesFranco #SethRogen = #ForTheWin #ftw

Colloquialism – Col•lo•qui•al•isma. =is = a word, phrase, or expression characteristic of ordinary or familiar conversation rather than formal speech or writing. The colloquial quotes that suddenly pop in my head are my own lil’ way to connect it with my motions throughout my daily life.

Examples of colloquialism:🔀➡️↘️⬇️

When someone hurts themselves I hear, “Safety first, where shoes in the house, then teamwork.”


When a storm hits I exclaim, “I thought hurricane season was over” from Pineapple Express then a separate quote from Family Guy follows directly after stating, “Damn, mother nature! -You scary!!!”

Someone that mentions my birthing placements of my siblings, as mine is labeled as the baby, youngest of siblings, but I hear from The Dinosaurs, “NOT THE BABY” or I heard my Uncle Bill tell a story line of quoting my innocently stating my situation of the time, “I’m the baby!” I get this told to me nearly every Thanksgiving at the Hunt house.

Attempting to get attention from someone or gain eye contact I, “Boop” their nose lightly with my index finger. People and animals alike!

🐛🦋Butterflies are forever to be🍞🍴🥖Bread ‘n’ ButterFlies🦋🐛

Dandy-lions singing along then the Bread ‘n’ Butterflies!
Singing flowers.
“I keep on falling, in and out -of love… witha YOUUU”
“Eat me.” What would you do? Just eat & drink the randomly labeled and placed cake and cup… what if it was poisonous or something totally wrong. She was a brave soul.
For my current life and how it’s going.

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