Video of me. #MemesImade

Tiktok/Instagram video I made.
WordPorn caught my eye from Instagram.
Damn, thank you for the notice of truth.
Me at work.
Me at play.
Drowning in the shallow end. My face peeks out the surface. Alone, naked, scared -I need a friend. NEEDING to stand and serve this. #wordporn #WordFlow #poetryImade
💪Never give up, you never know how close you really are to shine bright.💫 🎶 …like a diamond!🎶
Relationship suck-ups.#memesImade
When you think you’re original. #memesImade
Sadly true. #memesImade
Lmfao. Meme’s I’ve made. #memesImade
#dead #methjokesarefunny #GoHardorGoHome #IamHome already so I’ll #gohard. #memesImade
#HotTubTimeMachine2 #moviequotes #memesImade
#memesImade I just need… TIME.
Meth jokes are still funny to me. #memesImade

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