Pictures of lyrics, memes, and jokes. * Randoms *

Deep thought about my life, comparing to the other spermies purpose of life that lost the BIG race to strive… I just meet up to the bar, not yet. Let me get rolling on my projects and then I will have something to add to the world besides smoking pot, cartons, and various types of drugs.
They meet the koalafications of being unbarely cute and looks cuddly.
Let out the music. Soundscapes and word porn in kahoots with one another blending masterpieces of all kinds & genres. Pretty poetry that hits our “fishbowl souls” in a light that’ll we’ll keeping the words feelings close to us. The accompanied noise of clashes by the symbols and the gentle strumming of a few guitars, drumming of the beat seemingly takes us away into open fields to sway which ever way the winds of music takes us. It’s beautiful thing that we take forgranted in our rushed and busy lifestyles practiced today.
Taught the hippie good business ways to my nieces and one nephew so far, they may have been too young at the time, but they’ve had to grow up too quick in their lives. Lessons in rolling, how to look out for bad deals or items, and describe what each drugs does and openly talk together about life’s/ people’s problems afterwards. I miss being close to my younger loved one’s in my family.
“Popped a molly, I’m sweatin’!”
Slowly faded memories of friends. Connection grows into a crowded mess of wires to get untangled. Ignored
Independent… yeah, right. Lol
Worry free and as much paper, pens and work space to complete my projects.

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