Alter cleansed and organized to my liking, I’ll let you in on the inside of my Alter’s mindset and it’s depictions.

MY ALTER DESCRIBES, REPRESENTS, NURTURING ME WITH VIBES of White light and love for myself -ALL MY BEINGS WITHIN ME, (inner small child, teen self, naive self, and the others that surround who we are) As well as the guidance from the angels & ancestors that’ll look after me and help me in my days & nights when I am in my painful/ sorrowful/ lonesome times.

My Tarot cards and Moonology cards are NOT presently charging on my alter, for I am right now questioning the universe of the righteous ways of being towards situations and using them to guide me in my paths direction I deserve to go in.

My ways of being are forever changing for the BEST of my future endeavors.

I have my mom’s red wagon that reps her and it reminds me of my grandparents house back in the day, playing alone in the dirt and rocks in the garage&barn. My dad’s glass bottle incense holder to rep him. I have ‘Ohh from HOME the cartoon with tape on his head because his quote, “STOP with the ripping” it’s how I feel about the universe ‘n’ ‘Ohh makes me happy and hopeful that people can open their eyes for change. #BeTheChange. The red fancy dish has a beautiful ring to it if it is struck. My hacky-sack I call my Hacky Facky for when I am in need of some change of mindset, it makes my emotions even out and simmer down (distractions) Dried flowers and faith sign from Karen, my ex that I see as my only love I serve for. The 3d printed moon use to light up and really show off my alter but something happened to it so it represents the change ~ or phases of this luscious Luna showing us light in the night.

My crystals that are connected to the one’s that gifted them to me… a bunch were taken. Holding my crystals is a gift from mom to remember to “DON’T WORRY, BE HAPPY”
Some written affirmations or somethings needed in life. The ball, you can’t tell, is an eyeball and signifies looking up or in this case, looking inwards. The lil’ bag is my dreamscape time dolls that I have to GIVE my worries to so I don’t worry. ( don’t be a worrier, be a warrior )
In my fun mushroom dish that is from 60’s or 70’s, I think holds my Feel Good stones that I have connected to certain people to be in my prayers or a lil’ something to lighten up their pathways. Rocks that a kids painted me or gifted to me are in there. My turtle with the frog on his back made of jewels/crystals made up of resin from my past SoulMate to me…to remind me to Bask in the pond, Slow life down and relax in the pond. The dice to remind me that life’s going on it’s own rolls and on it’s own luck. And my gifted from a special loved one is a Little Lucky Frog is sitting on the shell to represent my good fortune and wishing me best wishes. Surely you can read what else the lil’ frog has in its grasping lil’ sticky webbed fingers; happiness and good cheer…
A white candle lit for me and my loved one’s, here & far, to gain light of the purest of it’s kind to join OUR every day life’s walk ways. And hopefully my hippie love is being felt all around. Because it is strongly sent to the one’s I’ve connected with in my lifetime.
Nadyne’s brown headed cowbird (my favorite bird to sit & watch) shows me the quote, “If things don’t go right, go left!”
The BELLS may look the same but both vibe to me certain things I needed in my life… the one on the walking stick signifies practicing PEACE. The other one, on my mamaw’s ruler, (it has her personal signature on it) resets my mind to remember to be patient.
Me, Jesse, and Charlotte’s picture collaged with a picture of the group of my Nieces & Nephews to remain close to my souls thoughts. As well as sending them the light & knowledge needed to be known upon their own pathways they walk upon. Sending them guidance throughout my alter’s shine and as it will be appeared in the corner of my room for my own showing and look-sees.
A crystal pendulum to search the universes Yes or No’s. Right circles it’s a Yes. Left circles mean No. Works if you truly go by the ways of the pendulum in spiritual workings.
An Aura painting that I see faces my besties facial expressions and his family for goodness sake.
Namaste – my soul recognizes your soul. The Moon holding the Sun is in their own God’s phases within each to make the Day & Night. Oppositions of ways, described opposites words the come together to make it run it’s course in the phases of the day. They both brighten my life with their light. The Sun’s heating up my atmosphere and the Waxing crescent Moon signifies Courage, moving forwards, faith. Gifted from Justin. Walking stick reps my nature side and memories of the peaceful trips through the trees, rivers, or the wet lands, which ever the day brings. Note pad for prayers and sending goodness to others that are in need. The monkey is up high looking down onto the bigger pictures and boxes created to make you examine point of views and reminds me to play sometimes with my inner child.

The jewelry box had been fucked with and things were stolen for ignorance sake, I guess. My family isn’t spiritual or religious for that matter and they all have had their grubby hands in my vibrations of “being better than yesterday” and “I am.” I hope they are done fondling my things in search of hidden drugs, -most likely.

And a spooky-boo lantern to represent Halloween and ghastly ghost all around on the day of the dead. A celebration of life in Spanish culture where they are celebrating and honoring their ancestors in their family that guide them in their every day life. It’s very spiritual and heart warming and it interests me.

Nobody in the family is willing to be understanding what an alter entails. Or care what my spirituality is about, The alter is all happiness & goodness and lights to be shined to me even though you see junk in the corner in an old junkies room.

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